
Object.Freeze and Object.seal



Modern Tips in JavaScript

1-Conditionally add a properties in object

const isValid = false
const age = 18
const person = {
   ...(isValid && {isActive:true}), // (false && {isActive:true})
   ...((age>=18 || isValid) && {cart:0}) // (true && {cart:0})
console.log('person', person) // {id:as32, name:'ajay',cart:0}ly add a properties in object


2-Check a property exists in an object or not

const person = {
console.log('name' in person) //true
console.log('isactive' in person) //false

3-Object destructing with dynamic key

const productData = {id:'23', name:'Dell'}
const {name:devicename} = productData

const extractKey = 'name'
const {[extractKey]:data} = productData

console.log('Data', data) // Data Dell


Event loop in javascript?

What is event loop in JavaScript
The event loop is the secret behind JavaScript’s asynchronous programming.

The call stack is responsible for keeping track of all the operations in line to be executed. Whenever a function is finished, it is popped from the stack.

Event loop => Call Stack => webApi => Event Queue
webApi delay sum()


javascript: Export and Import

coming soon


Prototype methods, objects without proto

The __proto__ is considered outdated and somewhat deprecated (in browser-only part of the JavaScript standard).
The modern methods are:

Object.create(proto, descriptors) – creates an empty object
Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) – returns the Prototype of obj.
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) – sets the Prototype of obj to proto.

let animal = {
  eats: true

// create a new object with animal as a prototype
let rabbit = Object.create(animal);

alert(rabbit.eats); // true

alert(Object.getPrototypeOf(rabbit) === animal); // true

Object.setPrototypeOf(rabbit, {}); // change the prototype of rabbit to {}
function Rabbit(name) { = name;
Rabbit.prototype.sayHi = function() {

let rabbit = new Rabbit("Rabbit")

rabbit.sayHi(); // "Rabbit"
Rabbit.prototype.sayHi(); //undefined
Object.getPrototypeOf(rabbit).sayHi(); //undefined
rabbit.__proto__.sayHi(); //undefined


Javascript prototype

In JavaScript, objects have a special hidden property Prototype , that is either null or references another object. That object is called “a prototype”:
The property Prototype is internal and hidden, but there are many ways to set it.

let animal = {
  eats: true
let cat= {
  jumps: true

cat.__proto__ = animal;  // Here sets animal to be a prototype of cat
alert( cat.eats ); // true (**)
alert( cat.jumps ); // true
let animal = {
  eats: true,
  walk() {
    alert("Animal walk");

let rabbit = {
  jumps: true,
  __proto__: animal

// walk is taken from the prototype
rabbit.walk(); // Animal walk


The prototype chain

let animal = {
  eats: true,
  walk() {
    alert("Animal walk");

let rabbit = {
  jumps: true,
  __proto__: animal

let longEar = {
  earLength: 10,
  __proto__: rabbit

// walk is taken from the prototype chain
longEar.walk(); // Animal walk
alert(longEar.jumps); // true (from rabbit)
let animal = {
  jumps: null
let rabbit = {
  __proto__: animal,
  jumps: true

alert( rabbit.jumps ); // ? (1)

delete rabbit.jumps;

alert( rabbit.jumps ); // ? (2)

delete animal.jumps;

alert( rabbit.jumps ); // ? (3)


JavaScript Promise - Basics

Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript
They can handle multiple asynchronous operations easily and provide better error handling than callbacks and events.

Benefits of Promises
1- Improves Code Readability
2- Better handling of asynchronous operations
3- Better flow of control definition in asynchronous logic
4- Better Error Handling

A Promise has four states:
1-fulfilled: Action related to the promise succeeded
2-rejected: Action related to the promise failed
3- pending: Promise is still pending i.e not fulfilled or rejected yet
A promise can be created using Promise constructor.

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){});

Difference between Promise and Observables
Promises deal with one asynchronous event at a time, while observables handle a sequence of asynchronous events over a period of time.

1-Emit multiple values over a period of time.
2-subscriptions that are cancellable using the unsubscribe() method

1-Emit a single value at a time, A promise can only handle one event
2-Are not cancellable.

Custom Promise

function cP(successCb,errorCb){
       let data ="ajay";
       } else{
          errorCb("no Data")

Javascript Hoisting

In JavaScript, Hoisting is the default behavior of moving all the declarations at the top of the scope before code execution. Basically, it gives us an advantage that no matter where functions and variables are declared, they are moved to the top of their scope regardless of whether their scope is global or local.
It allows us to call functions before even writing them in our code.

Note: JavaScript only hoists declarations, not the initialisations.

Example1: Function Hoisting
alert(Sum(5, 5)); // 10
function Sum(val1, val2){
  return val1 + val2;
Example2: Function Hoisting
Add(5, 5); // error
var Add = function Sum(val1, val2){
  return val1 + val2;
Example3: Function Hoisting
var UseMe;
function UseMe(){
  alert("UseMe function called");


let and const

The main difference is the scoping rules. Variables declared by var keyword is scoped to the immediate function body (hence the function scope) while let variables are scoped to the immediate enclosing block denoted by { } (hence the block scope).


ES6 Classes

A class is a type of function, but instead of using the keyword function to initiate it, we use the keyword class, and the properties are assigned inside a constructor() method.

There are three concepts in Object-Oriented Programming ObjectClass and Methods. The ES6 JavaScript supports the Object-Oriented programming components.

  • Object: A real-time object entity means the presentation of any entity in real-time.
  • Class: It is before the plan of creating any objects which are known as the blueprint of any objects which you want to create.
  • Methods: It communicates between the objects